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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Five Secret Settings in Windows 10

June 13, 2016

The Windows registry contains all sorts of configuration settings, program definitions and pretty much every aspect of the operating system and installed applications. Manually mucking with the registry can be a very dangerous thing where you end up with a non-functioning computer, requiring a fresh operating system install. Gizmodo has a post that reveals five secret settings you can enable in Windows 10.

  1. Enable the dark theme
  2. Speed up startup times
  3. Increase the taskbar transparency
  4. Disable the login image
  5. Hide OneDrive from File Explorer

Don't forget to backup the registry prior to making any of the suggested changes, just in case you screw something up. You can backup a specific key or the entire registry by selecting File and then Export from the Regedit menus.

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