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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

State of Application Security

April 25, 2016

Shane Owens, of Arxan, sent me a link to some wonderful resources for application security. This is Arxan's 5th Application Security report which analyzes 126 popular mobile health and finance apps in addition to examining security perspectives of consumers and app security professionals. A summary of the findings include:

  • Consumers and app executives believe their mobile health and finance apps are secure.
  • The majority of mobile health and finance apps contain critical security vulnerabilities.
  • The security and safety risks are real and significant.
  • Most consumers would change providers if they knew their apps were not secure.

The infographics show a wealth of information concerning the perception and reality of app security. Be sure to check it out as I plan to use some of the information in several of our upcoming security presentations. Thanks to Shane for forwarding it along.

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