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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Microsoft Wants You to Upgrade to Windows 10 – Now!

February 3, 2016

The Windows 10 upgrade kitchen just got a little hotter. Starting this week, Microsoft will classify the Windows 10 upgrade as a "recommended update" in its Windows Update system. This means that the Windows 10 upgrade process will automatically download the software and begin the upgrade on thousands of computers. Even though the upgrade will start automatically, you can choose not to go through with it at the present time. There's still about six months left for you to take advantage of the free Windows 10 upgrade.

InfoWorld is of the opinion that you should abandon the Windows 7 boat right away and upgrade to Windows 10. I like Windows 10, but since there are several months remaining for the free upgrade, I'll hold off for a couple more months as I have enough to keep me busy right now.

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