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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

New .Law Domains Available for Sale

October 13, 2015

Once again, our friend and colleague Bob Ambrogi is first to the news front. His recent post tells you how you can now purchase the newly available .law and . abogado (lawyer/counselor in Spanish) top-level domains. I’m not so sure law firms will run out and purchase the new domains and won’t just stick to their .com domains. It’s pretty pricey to flip over to a .law domain name. The minimum registration fee is $200 plus another $12,500 for the privileged top-level domain. The $12,500 Early Access Program (EAP) fee reduces over time until its expiration on October 19th. Wow! Compare $12,700 for a .law domain name when you can get a .com for less than $10 a year. Perhaps you should wait a week and avoid the extra fee.

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