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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Windows 10 “Secret” Start Menu – Hiding In Plain Sight

August 27, 2015

Microsoft reports that Windows 10 is now running on over 75 million devices less than a month after the rollout began. Arguably, one of the most talked about features of Windows 10 is the much anticipated return of the Start Menu. The Start Menu “took a vacation” with the release of Windows 8 and 8.1, but it’s back with Windows 10. And that’s not all. There’s actually a special “secret” Start Menu in Windows 10 too. The “secret” Start Menu provides quick access to things like Control Panel, File Explorer, Event Viewer, Task Manager, shutdown options and more. To access the “secret” Start Menu merely right click on the Windows 10 Start button. That’s it!

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