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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Privacy When Using Windows 10? Fugetaboutit!

August 6, 2015

Windows 10 has been out for about a week and people are really loving it. The new operating system appears to have “undone” some of the complaints from Windows 8. Besides some minor bugs, one of the biggest criticisms has to do with the privacy (or lack thereof) features of Windows 10. The default configuration of Windows 10 can certainly be considered an invasion of privacy as Microsoft saves and transmits a lot of personal information. Some users even say that Windows 10 is spying on them. You can manually go in and change the default settings and opt out of features that may be considered an invasion of privacy. Better yet, install the free DoNotSpy10 app that makes it easy to adjust the settings for 37 different features that are related to security and privacy. You should still to go the Microsoft site and opt out of the advertising tracking features, but DoNotSpy10 seems like a good first step.

However, it has been reported that DoNoSpy10 may contain malware. The Microsoft Edge browser will even block the download. I'm not sure if that's because DoNotSpy10 really is a bad piece of software or if Microsoft is just ticked off that there's an easy way to stop leaking a bunch of private user data.

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