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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Another Survey Questions the Security of the Cloud

July 8, 2015

SC Magazine reported that concerns over the security of data in the cloud is on the minds of 50 percent or those surveyed by CloudPassage, a cloud security company. The top driver for moving to the cloud is scalability. However, 66 percent of the respondents named security concerns as a primary barrier for deploying cloud infrastructure. Conventional network security solutions do not transfer well to the cloud. The solutions need to enable visibility and security at the workload level.

Amrit Williams, CTO of CloudPassage, stated “The public cloud can be just as secure as your own data center; the IAAS providers do a great job of securing the underlying infrastructure. With the shared security responsibility model of cloud IAAS providers, the key is focusing on the actual instances – a.k.a workloads – themselves.” This means you need to apply all the same best practices you would implement in a data center, including multi-factor authentication, encryption at rest and in transit and strong access controls.

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