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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

A Tech Gadget to Bring Us Back to Historical Times

February 17, 2015

What a great gift to buy someone and it only costs $12. The NoPhone is just that. Not a phone. For all of you smartphone addicts that have no social skills, this is a cure for you. The NoPhone is a phone-like brick that doesn’t make a call, but has the shape and weight of a real smartphone. There is even an upgraded selfie model that includes a mirror on one side. It’s pretty sad that a large number of smartphone users would rather play with their phone instead of talking to a real human being. I hope that the NoPhone will bring folks back to the good old days when you actually used your eyes to look at someone and carry on an in-person conversation. I’m thinking about ordering a case for starters.

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