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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Critical Active Directory Patch is Released

February 12, 2015

On Patch Tuesday, Microsoft released a fix that it has been working on for over a year. The vulnerability impacts those businesses that are using Active Directory in their environment. The impact is primarily to businesses since most home users do not use Active Directory and primarily utilize local accounts. Why did it take so long to deliver a fix? The vulnerability is a root-level problem and impacts the core components of Windows. In other words, it is a design flaw in the operating system. This means a total redesign of some components and testing was a paramount concern. After all, you don’t want to release a fix that blows up the “heart” of Windows.

There were several other critical fixes that were released on Patch Tuesday. Make sure that you apply the patches as soon as possible. I don’t want to be writing about your data breach because you didn’t apply the fix.

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