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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

WordRake Editing Software Busting Out

February 9, 2015

An add-in to Microsoft Word, WordRake editing software is the unique productivity tool that focuses on doing what Microsoft grammar checker does not: removing unnecessary words from reports, e-mails and briefs for a clearer, more concise document. If you haven’t seen it in action yet, you’re in for an amazing experience: It will edit 10 pages of text in about 30 seconds, processing 240,000 English words and all of their permutations, yet make over 90% of its edits perfectly. I know because Sharon tried it when it debuted two-and-a-half years ago. Here’s what she had to say back then:

“I was dumbfounded when the software quickly provided an embarrassing number of edits of my 6-page article [for the ABA’s Law Practice magazine], more than 90% of which I agreed with; even my editors missed most of what WordRake found.”

Since then, the WordRake folks have released the faster, more intuitive WordRake 2 and followed that with WordRake for Outlook. Each is available for $129 per year (35₵ a day), or as a bundle for $199. And WordRake can scale to hundreds or even thousands of users with their enterprise installation. I understand they plan two other major WordRake releases in 2015, but aren’t saying what or when. Since they will be in booth 213 at ABA TECHSHOW in April, where I’m speaking, I think I’ll stop by and see if I can be successful with a “loose lips sink ships” routine.

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