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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Even Mac Computers Need Security Software

October 6, 2014

It is really disturbing that there are a large number of Apple users that don’t think they need any antivirus or other security software. They believe they are safer than a Windows environment and are not subject to virus infections. In fact, I have heard fellow lecturers say those very words at conferences. Well, there’s belief and then there is reality. According to Russian security company Dr. Web, a new botnet has been discovered that is comprised of thousands of infected Mac OS X computers. The largest number of infected Macs are in the United States according to the map in the post.

The software is called “Mac.Backdoor.iWorm.” It is an ingenious piece of code that reads the contents of the /Library directory to determine which of the installed applications it should avoid. It also uses encryption to hide its data contents and communications. That’s a method that a lot of spyware uses to avoid detection. It also has a “call home” function that currently queries to determine what command and control (C&C) servers are available. The bad news is that Dr. Web doesn’t know how the machines got infected in the first place.

Even though thousands of computers are infected, it’s not nearly as bad as the Flashback infection of 2012. It is yet another reminder that Apple users should not be fooled into thinking that they are safe from security threats. Even Apple products need protection – and the more popular they become, the more they will be targeted – and the more protection they will need.

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