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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Another Ransomware Variant

August 26, 2014

There are some real nasty versions of malware out there. SC Magazine is reporting that a variant of the Reveton ransomware is loaded with a little extra nastiness. Most folks know that today’s ransomware is known for encrypting your data and then holding you hostage until you pay the ransom fee to decrypt your precious information.

The scary part about the Reveton variant is that is also comes with the latest version of Pony Stealer, a dangerous malware known for stealing passwords. Apparently, Pony Stealer can decrypt passwords to plain text and is capable of infecting over 110 applications including Gmail, Outlook, FTP clients and a bunch of other applications that are identified in an AVAST blog post.

Having good backups is one way to help recover from a ransomware infection, but now we have to worry about whether our passwords were stolen first. Be careful out there.

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