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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Windows 9 Preview – September/October Release

August 21, 2014

It is now “official.” ZDNet has reported that Microsoft will deliver a “technology preview” of the next major version of Windows, expected to be Windows 9, sometime in late September or early October. The code name for the new version is “Threshold.” A major complaint about Windows 8 is the touch centric interface, which doesn’t work well with traditional desktops. Threshold is supposed to improve the situation by providing better support for keyboards and mice.

There are several new features. At the top of the list is the return of the Start Menu. Yahoo! Also, it looks like there may be a voice-activated digital assistant included too. The rumored release of Windows 9 is now scheduled for the spring of 2015, so that should provide a good six months of real user testing assuming the “technology preview” is on schedule.

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