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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Windows Patch Causes BSOD

August 18, 2014

You can’t win every day. Microsoft does a very good job of testing software and updates for all of their products. Once in a while, a very obscure set of circumstances causes an update to go south. That’s exactly what has recently happened with the MS 14-045 patch. Apparently several folks have experienced the infamous Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) after patch installation. The patch was intended to fix three issues including one in the Windows kernel.

Microsoft has since pulled the patch and recommends that users uninstall it if they experience a BSOD as they investigate the cause of the 0x50 Stop error message. So if you’ve installed security update 2982791 and are getting a BSOD, uninstall the patch.

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