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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Password Manager LastPass Goes “titsup”: Users LOCKED OUT

August 13, 2014

Just because you use cloud services doesn’t mean it’s better than having your own resources. To illustrate the point, The Register took a shot at the password manager LastPass, which is very popular among our colleagues and friends. There were some mighty ticked off users when they were locked out of their own passwords. LastPass blamed the problem as a failure of data center resources. Apparently, the design of LastPass does not automatically fail over to another data center.

The lesson learned is that you are not in control when you use cloud services. You better have a backup plan or accept the risk that you may be without access for a period of time. Also, you have to love the Brits and their bluntness with blog post titles. I admired it so much I flatly copied it.

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