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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Google – Full Speed Ahead with Encryption

June 25, 2014

As I continue to say over and over…encryption is your friend. One of my favorite quotes is from Bruce Schneier when he said, encryption “… drives the NSA batty.” Google has the same opinion and is on a forced march to make sure that everything is encrypted. To further support their passion for encryption, Google has released an alpha version of a Chrome extension that is trying to make web-based e-mail encryption a lot easier for the common man (and woman too). Google calls the extension End-to-End. This is certainly consistent with Google’s direction of encryption by default.

Despite it being alpha code, Google stated "The End-to-End team takes its responsibility to provide solid crypto very seriously, and we don't want at-risk groups that may not be technically sophisticated—journalists, human-rights workers, et al.—to rely on End-to-End until we feel it's ready," a note included with the code release stated. "Prematurely making End-to-End available could have very serious real world ramifications."

Good for you Google. I think we should all jump on the train with Google and Bruce Schneier to collectively drive the NSA batty.

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