Digital Forensics Dispatch

Digital Forensics Blog
by Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Apple Sues Startup for Alleged Employee Poaching and Data Theft

May 10, 2022

A recent article on described a suit brought by the tech giant Apple against a relatively unknown new startup company named Rivos. Rivos is apparently working on developing new chip technology based on their job listings for silicon engineers.

According to a complaint from Apple, they believe Rivos started an active campaign in mid-2021 to target engineers with access to, and knowledge of proprietary chip design going on at Apple, Apple’s new wonder processor the M1.

Apple further states they believe some former engineers may have used USB drives, Cloud Storage, and even Apple’s own wireless data transfer tech, Air Drop, to take sensitive and proprietary data with them including design files and other chip engineering data.

Both sides will undoubtedly be utilizing digital forensic analysis of any number of computers, mobile devices, and cloud storage locations as they make and defend their case if this matter moves forward.

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