Digital Forensics Dispatch

Digital Forensics Blog
by Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Murder Suspect Confronted with Cellphone Location Data in North Carolina

December 6, 2022

In a recent article posted to the WRAL News site,, reporter Chelsea Donovan described how prosecutors used digital evidence to help make their case against Justin Merritt in the killing of Andy Banks.

Banks, 39, had attempted to sell his Range Rover SUV on Craigslist in Raleigh, North Carolina. However, Banks never returned from a meeting to show the SUV to a prospective buyer. Two forensic experts testified as part of the State’s case.

Gory Mendez, a Raleigh City detective, was able to utilize cellphone location data to link Merritt’s phone to a field near Danville, Virginia in which Banks’ body was located. Also located in Danville, Merritt’s home town, was the Range Rover. The vehicle was found behind a church in Danville, covered in a tarp.

During an interview Merritt confirmed that he had met Banks to inspect the vehicle but denied knowing anything about his disappearance and death.

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