Digital Forensics Dispatch

Digital Forensics Blog
by Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Text Messages and Location Data Acquired in House Fire that Killed Infant

March 15, 2022

Jerry Lambe of Law & Crime recently reported on text messages extracted from Karlie Phelps’ cellphone. Phelps and Nicholas Ecker are being charged with the death of their infant son. In February, a fire in Phelps’ home killed the infant, who was left home alone while she was at another place.

In the course of the investigation, messages were collected from Phelps’ phone. Text messages between Phelps and Ecker reveal a heated argument on the night of the fire. The messages between the two discuss the whereabouts of Phelps and the child, in which Phelps tells Ecker that she is at a friend’s house and the baby is with her.

An affidavit acquired by Law & Crime shows the messages exchanged between Phelps and Ecker, one message from Phelps stating “Karlie: Go get junior NOW. HES INSIDE YOU DIMB ASS I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU STARTED THAT FIRE. YOU KILLED OUR BABY!!! And you could’ve killed me!!!(0107 hours).”

Along with text messages, cell tower data for both Ecker and Phelps was collected to determine their locations at the time of the fire. Based on cell tower records, Ecker’s phone was around the area of Phelps’ home the night of the fire.

The investigation of the fire revealed that it was intentionally set based on the analysis conducted by arson investigators. Ecker was arrested at the scene of the crime and has been charged with one count of first-degree murder as well as one count of aggravated arson with the risk of bodily harm. Phelps was arrested a few days after and has been charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter involving a child less than six years old and a charge of child endangerment.

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