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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

A New Anti-Ransomware Portal Launches

August 8, 2016

Ransomware is a huge problem. It seems that we hear of more infections despite all the training and news of the potential damage ransomware can cause. There is now a new website to help combat ransomware. The Dutch National Police, Europol, Intel Security, and Kaspersky Lab have launched a new website to aid in the fight against ransomware. The domain name is and has tools for decrypting some ransomware strains and an area to report the infection (crime) to the appropriate agency in the EU and the US.

The site includes decryption tools for ransomware families such as CoinVault, Rannoh, AutoIt, Fury, Crybola, Cryakl, CryptXXX (v1 and v2), Rakhni, Agent.iih, Aura, Pletor, Rotor, Lamer, Lortok, Cryptokluchen, and Democry. There's also a section called Crypto Sherriff, where you can upload samples of encrypted files and the ransom note to help identify what type of ransomware was used to infect the files. Unfortunately, Crypto Sheriff needs a little more work and isn't able to identify some strains such as Jigsaw, AMBA, or TeslaCrypt v3 and v4. You may want to check out the ID-Ransomware service if Crypto Sheriff doesn't identify the infection.

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