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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

America’s Broadband Speed Three Times Faster than 2011

January 4, 2016

The FCC has reported that the average Internet speed of broadband connections in the United States is three times faster than it was in 2011. As of September 2014, the average speed is 31 Mbps as compared to 10 Mbps in 2011. BGR has a nice summary of the report that identifies video traffic being the largest contributor to the increase. The study found that Cablevision has the fastest connections at 60 Mbps, followed by Verizon and Charter at 50 Mbps, Cox at 40 Mbps and Comcast at 35 Mbps. Even though the speeds seem impressive, the United States ranks 25th out of 39 nations from a 2013 FCC study. As for how the various states rank, New Jersey is the fastest with 57 Mbps and Idaho is slowest at 14 Mbps. At least the speed is a heck of a lot faster than the old AOL dial-up days.

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