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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Another Free Decryption Tool for Ransomware

March 6, 2017

Unfortunately, there are a lot more ransomware programs than there are decryption tools, but we can chalk another one up for the good guys. There is now a free decryption tool available for Dharma ransomware. Researchers developed the decryption tool after someone leaked the decryption keys. You can recognize a Dharma infection because the files will have the extension of .[email_address].dharma. If you are an unfortunate victim of a ransomware infection and don't pay, you may want to keep a copy of the impacted files in case someone releases a decryption tool in the future. Of course, the best thing to do is not get an infection in the first place. If you do contract ransomware, head over to the tools section of the website to see if there's a decryption tool available.

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