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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Another Inkjet Catastrophe

September 16, 2015

We have never been a big fan of inkjet printers. Laser jet printers are the way to go even if for color prints. Ars technica has confirmed, once again, that we should all avoid inkjet printers, especially the high end ones from Epson. So let’s get this right. You buy a printer for around $5,000 and when the indicators say that the cartridges are empty there is still around 20% of the fluid left. Unbelievable. Not a problem. Epson obviously would fill the ink cartridges more than the stated volume in order to give the consumer what they paid for. Wrong! You pay for the total volume and then get told that the cartridge is empty when 20% of the liquid remains. We’ll stick with laser technology for now and recommend that nobody use an inkjet printer, especially one made by Epson.

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