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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Another Reason NOT to use an HP Inkjet Printer

September 29, 2016

Inkjet cartridge cost are expensive as hell. Some studies show that ink cartridges can cost more than blood. We haven't recommended inkjet printers for a long time, primarily because of cost. HP gives us another reason not to recommend inkjet. If you own an HP inkjet printer, you can't use third party cartridges. HP has implemented a type of DRM (digital rights management) to only allow the use of official HP cartridges. According to the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), HP hid the DRM software in a security update. Apparently, a bunch of customers are pretty ticked off and are revolting. HP now says that they will restore the ability of some OfficeJet printers to use non-HP cartridges. Some? Why not all? If you must use an inkjet printer, buy something other than a model from HP.

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