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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Apple Still Gathering User’s Data: Feature or Bug?

November 21, 2016

One of the things we do at Sensei is mobile forensics. As a result, we've been analyzing iPhones for many years. We always do a "happy dance" when we get iPhones in our lab, primarily because they are so evidence rich. Apple has always saved more data than any other mobile device we've ever seen, so we weren't surprised to read the latest news about Apple logging call information in iCloud. Apple calls it a feature, but some consider it a security flaw. The issue is Apple's logging of call information for a four month period. The technical reason for saving the data is so that it can be synchronized and accessed from all of your Apple devices. Is that a feature or an excuse to justify gathering user data? Call me cynical, but I'll stick with my non-Apple devices.

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