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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Apple’s iOS 10 Kernel is Unencrypted

June 27, 2016

Apple has confirmed that the core of the operating system, the kernel, will not be encrypted in the next version of iOS. The kernel is the "heart" of the operating system. It manages security and determines how applications on an iPhone or iPad can access hardware or other memory areas of the device. This is a huge change in philosophy for Apple. Previously, the kernel was locked down so that developers and researchers couldn't access any of the core functions. From a security perspective, this meant that it was a "Trust me, I'm Apple, and I'll determine what is best for you." world. Security software such as antivirus software were less than effective and couldn't do real-time scanning.

By unencrypting the kernel, Apple is allowing security flaws to be discovered more quickly. It will also allow security software vendors the ability to augment the native iOS security just like antivirus software does with Windows systems.

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