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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Apple’s iOS is Pwnd

November 3, 2015

Security startup company Zerodium announced that it will pay the $1 million bounty to the team that successfully develops a “zero-day” hack to compromise any iOS device. The rules of the offer stated that the iOS attack must “be achievable remotely, reliably, silently, and without requiring any user interaction except visiting a web page” or reading a text message. Also, the attack could only use Google Chrome or Apple’s Safari browsers. The interesting part of the announcement was that Zerodium isn’t going to report the vulnerability to Apple. At least not right away. I’m sure Zerodium already has a customer or two itching to get their hands on the iOS attack. After all, one of the descriptions of Zerodium’s customers includes “government organizations in need of specific and tailored cybersecurity capabilities.”

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