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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.
Are Brain Waves the Next Logon Method?
April 26, 2016
Passwords are not dead, but we continue to look for more and more methods to securely access applications and data. I've previously written that biometrics are not the answer to future authentication methods. However, the latest news is that we may resort to using brain waves to provide a unique logon authentication method. Ars technica reported on a new study that indicates new authentication methods could include brain wave scans. According to the researchers, our brains create unique patterns of neural activity in the first few milliseconds that we process and react to certain pictures, including images of food, celebrities, and infrequently used words.
The study indicates that individuals can be identified with 100 percent accuracy when using brain wave scans. I'm not sure I want to walk around with wires coming from a helmet just to logon, but at least it appears to be more secure than passwords.
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