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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Best Mobile Protection for Your Android Device

January 5, 2016

You should have some sort of security software installed on every piece of computing technology even if it's an Apple device. A recent report by AVTEST ranks the top security applications for your Android device. Only four of the apps got a perfect score of 100%. The good news is that two of the top four are free. My favorite is Sophos Mobile Security for Android which is available on Google Play. I've recently replaced Lookout with the Sophos product on my Android phone.

Like any other application you install, review every one of the configuration settings to see what you should change from the defaults. As an example, I don't mind participating in sending anonymous data that can help protect other devices, but I really don't want a constant geolocation transmission that could be used as a tracking device. I also configured the software to perform a remote wipe when I send a special text message from a predefined phone number.

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