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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Can You Keep Your Business or Law Firm Operational Following a Technology Failure?

January 15, 2015

SC Magazine posted an article revealing the results of a survey conducted by Evolve IP that addresses how confident businesses are about recovering from a failure of their technology. It still amazes me that most businesses are not confident of a recovery from a technology failure. No matter what the reason for the failure, you should be prepared to recover within a reasonable amount of time. I call this your “threshold for pain.” How long can you afford to be out of business until it is a major impact?

Take a look at the survey, but it is very disappointing that more folks aren’t prepared to keep their businesses operational under various scenarios. As an example, there is currently backup technology that will snapshot your data every 15 minutes and can spool up a virtual environment on the backup appliance if the “main” server goes down. The survey supports the need to plan for business continuity and deploy technology that can minimize business disruption.

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