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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Can You Recognize a Phishing E-mail?

February 23, 2017

According to Verizon's 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report, 30 percent of phishing e-mails are opened. That's a pretty staggering number. The bad guys are really good at making the messages look legit. Apparently so since they can get a 30 percent click-through rate. Could you recognize a phishing email? The goal is to be in the 70 percent that don't open them. CSO has five tips to help you recognize a phishing e-mail.

  1. Expect the unexpected
  2. Name check
  3. Don't click on unrecognized links
  4. Poor spelling and/or grammar
  5. Are you threatening me?

The CSO posting goes into much more detail about each of the items. I think the key to avoiding falling for a phishing e-mail is to slow down and pay attention.

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