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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Case Sensitive File and Folder Names in Windows 10

June 11, 2018

By default, files and folders in a Windows environment don't care about capitalization. However, if you are a Linux junkie or dream in binary, there is a way to enable case sensitivity in Windows 10 for files and folders. According to How-To Geek, "This is an NTFS file system feature that you can enable on a per-directory basis. It doesn't apply to your entire file system, so you can just enable case sensitivity for specific folders you use for development purposes."

You begin by launching a command prompt as an administrator or opening a PowerShell (Administrator) command. Enter the command fsutil.exe file setCaseSensitiveInfo "<dirve:\folder name>" enable. Be sure to list the drive and folder name within quotes if there is a space in the name. The action does not filter down to subfolders. You will need to enter the command for each folder where you want to enable case sensitivity.

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