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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Cheap and Free Alternatives to Adobe Photoshop

January 16, 2018

It's no secret that Photoshop is the standard for photo and graphic editing. It is an extremely powerful and feature-rich piece of software. It's also extremely expensive. Not to worry. There are several free and/or inexpensive alternatives that come close to matching Photoshop's abilities. They include:

  • GIMP (Free)
  • Photo Pos Pro 3 (Free/Premium $30)
  • Affinity Photo ($50) Pixelmator ($30)
  • Adobe Photoshop Express (Free)
  • Pixlr (Free)

You can actually use Photoshop by paying the monthly Adobe subscription for as little as $9.99. That doesn't sound like a lot of money, but you will never own the software and effectively are "renting" the application. Review Geek walks through some of the pros and cons if you want to own the software instead of opting for the subscription model.

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