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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Chrome Extension Tells if Your Password Has Been Compromised

May 24, 2018

We are still in a password driven world. Password reuse is a huge problem, but how do we know if our current password(s) is still safe to use? Okta has released a Chrome extension called PassProtect that checks your password against Troy Hunt's Have I Been Pwned database of compromised passwords. The database contains hash values of all the passwords that have been revealed in reported data breaches. Once you install the extension, whenever you visit a website that requires a password, the password will be checked to see if it has been previously exposed in a data breach.

Sharon and I have predicted that more systems will integrate with Troy's compromised password database. It is a great step forward to let users know that their password has been compromised. Yet again, another reason to be using a password manager. Even the 1Password password manager checks Troy's database to see if the password has been exposed in a reported data breach.

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