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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Duplicate Files on Your Computer? – Get Rid of Them

May 21, 2018

Unfortunately, electronic storage is so cheap that users really don't care how much extra data they store. The problem with having duplicate data files is which one do you edit for the future? Reports are that duplicate data can account for 2-4 GB of file storage. I'm thinking it's far larger than that. It takes a lit bit of organization to focus on what data you really need to save. It drives me nuts when I scan the folders on my company servers and see all sorts of unneeded duplicate data taking up valuable space. If you don't have to pay for the storage, you just keep multiple copies. It just may be attributable to laziness. Bottom line…if you want to remove duplicate data (trust me I do) there are ways to reduce the clutter.

The first step is to determine what is duplicate data. There is a post on Tech Viral that goes through the various steps of identifying and removing the duplicate data. A good starting point is installing software that scans our system.

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