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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Everything Google: Pushing Android for TVs, Cars, Watches, Smart Appliances

July 9, 2014

Yesterday I stood on my box and criticized the Internet of Everything. It’s obvious that Google doesn’t agree with me and wants everything to be powered by Android. At a recent Google developer conference, executives were pushing Android as the OS of choice for TVs, cars and new wearable devices. We already know that Google purchased smart thermostats and is heavily invested in robotics.

Sundar Pichai, Google's Android chief said "Our goal is to reach the next 5 billion people in the world.” Wow, that’s a lot of Android devices. Let’s hope that Google builds in some strong security measures, especially if they are network attached. The last thing I need is some hacker remotely flushing the toilet in the master bath.

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