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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Facebook Lets Anyone Search Your Posts

October 26, 2015

I’ve said it many times. Facebook is evil. It is a master of adding and changing features that impact your privacy and it is at it again. Last December, Facebook implemented a search feature where you could search on your or your friends’ posts. A recent change now lets ANY Facebook user search your posts. That means that any one of the 2 trillion Facebook users can enter a search and come up with one of your past posts even though they are not a friend and most probably a total stranger.

Not to worry. Naked Security has instructions to prevent total strangers from searching your posts. You’ll need to limit the audience of past Facebook posts and lock down the privacy of future posts. They also have another post with five tips to make your Facebook account safer. You should always check your Facebook settings every couple of months to try and catch any changes that Facebook may have forced upon you. My solution is even simpler. Don’t be a Facebook user and you won’t have to worry about the evil doings of Facebook.

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