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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Facebook Sucks the Battery Life on Android Phones

November 22, 2016

Don't always blame the phone manufacturer for poor battery life, although Apple has a historically poor track record. Besides poor hardware design, applications may be the reason for deplorable battery life. There have been many reports that Facebook is responsible for draining your juice, but that issue was supposedly fixed. Well, maybe not. BGR reports that uninstalling the Facebook app could get 20% more smartphone battery life. The blog post describes the results of uninstalling the Facebook app on several different model phones. In every case, battery life improvement was significant once the app was uninstalled. Diehard Facebook fans will probably suffer with a draining battery, but there are other options. Use the Chrome browser on your device to access Facebook or install Metal, an Android app that that's basically just a wrapper for Facebook's mobile site.

Good thing I'm not a Facebook user. I just have to remember to shut down the DirecTV app since it's a battery hog of its own.

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