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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Finally – Windows 10 Lets You Defer Updates

January 10, 2017

One of the major complaints about Windows 10 is that updates are shoved down your throat. Previously, you had the option of selecting which updates to install. Apparently, a lot of folks weren't applying updates leaving a ton of vulnerable computers connected to the Internet. In an attempt to protect the users from themselves, Microsoft changed the update distribution process and packed all the updates into a single update installation. No longer can you selectively choose which updates to install.

It appears as if all of that is about to change. CNET reports that Microsoft will allow you to put off software updates, effectively putting an end to the controversial decision to force automatic updates on Windows 10 users. We'll have to see how the final release shakes out, but it looks like Microsoft will allow you to defer an update installation for up to 35 days. That means you will eventually have the update applied and this should significantly reduce the number of vulnerable computers.

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