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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.
Five Things to Make Hackers Lives Harder
September 8, 2016
We now live in a world where everybody wants access to our data. It seems that we hear about a data breach every day. InfoWorld reports that there are five things you can do to make a hacker's job a lot more difficult.
- Limit admin access to systems
- Protect privileged account passwords
- Extend IT awareness training
- Limit unknown applications
- Protect user passwords with security best practices
All of these seem like common sense. Protecting passwords is a no brainer. Don't install applications you are unfamiliar with is certainly a good idea. Not giving everyone administrator rights is easy to accomplish, but a lot of users can't be bothered. Training is always a good thing since the threats are constantly changing. All in all, good advice.
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