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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Five Things to Make Hackers Lives Harder

September 8, 2016

We now live in a world where everybody wants access to our data. It seems that we hear about a data breach every day. InfoWorld reports that there are five things you can do to make a hacker's job a lot more difficult.

  1. Limit admin access to systems
  2. Protect privileged account passwords
  3. Extend IT awareness training
  4. Limit unknown applications
  5. Protect user passwords with security best practices

All of these seem like common sense. Protecting passwords is a no brainer. Don't install applications you are unfamiliar with is certainly a good idea. Not giving everyone administrator rights is easy to accomplish, but a lot of users can't be bothered. Training is always a good thing since the threats are constantly changing. All in all, good advice.

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