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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Free Tool to Recover from Latest GandCrab Ransomware

October 29, 2018

It’s a constant battle. New strains of ransomware continue to evolve. The goal is to encrypt your data and force users to pay a ransom. The good news is that the good guys keep working on ways to recover from ransomware attacks. GandCrab is one “flavor” of ransomware that just got a free decryption tool according to a post on Bleeping Computer.

“This new decryptor comes from Romanian antivirus company Bitdefender, and is the result of the collaboration between several law enforcement organizations, including the Romanian Police and counterparts from other countries (Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States) and the Europol.”

Even though there are ransomware decryption tools available for some versions of ransomware, the best recovery method is to have good backups.

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