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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Free Up Space on Your Windows 10 Computer

December 17, 2018

Disk space is cheap. However, at some point you’ll want to clean up unnecessary information from your Windows 10 system. Tech Viral has identified five new ways to clear up space on your drive.

  1. Erasing garbage documents effectively through Storage sense in Windows 10
  2. Circle Cleanup strategy to Remove Junk Files
  3. Uninstall Unnecessary applications/diversions
  4. Store records in the Cloud
  5. Kill Hibernation-Windows 10 Feature

My favorites are storing information in the cloud and killing the hibernation file. When storing data in the cloud, don’t forget to protect the information by encrypting it before sending it off. The hibernation file is a favorite place to investigate during our forensic examinations. Removing the hibernation file reduces the potential source of evidence. If you are encrypting your entire hard disk (as you should be doing), removing the evidence source isn’t that critical since unauthorized people won’t be able to read the content anyway.

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