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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Get it Now: Microsoft Office 2016 Public Preview

May 5, 2015

Microsoft has announced the availability of the Public Preview for Office 2016. Since it is the first release to the public, there is definitely going to be a few potholes in the road. When you access the Preview page, you’ll see instructions on how to get the Office 2016 Preview if you are an Office 365 user or download the 32 bit and 64 bit versions for a local install.

The new version takes another step towards cloud integration. You can access your documents from anywhere and on any device. You’ll be able to configure permissions for Outlook attachments from OneDrive without ever leaving Outlook. There is also real-time collaboration just like you get with Office online. The Smart Applications feature appears to be some sort of artificial intelligence that learns from the way you use the Office products. There are new analysis capabilities for Excel too. The IT folks will benefit too from additional compliance and security controls such as built-in data loss protection (DLP) with enforceable policies. Flexible deployment and management options will help with the Office 2016 roll-out, especially if you are in a large enterprise environment.

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