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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Google Chrome Will Label Insecure Websites Starting in July

February 14, 2018

Google has long been a proponent of a safer and more secure Internet. Google's work is all part of a long-standing effort to get websites everywhere to use encryption to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks and better protect Internet communications. Starting in July, Chrome will label websites and any page using HTTP as "not secure." Currently, Chrome has the grey circled 'I' icon in the address bar to indicate a page that is not using HTTPS. Other browsers use a green or grey padlock symbol to denote HTTPS sites. Beginning with the July release of Chrome 68, sites that are not using HTTPS will have the actual words "Not secure" in addition to the grey icon.

If your site isn't displaying the green lock icon to indicate an encrypted HTTPS page, it's time to get moving to fix it. You have five months to get your act together.

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