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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Google Services Safe for Data Storage

December 16, 2014

According to Google’s Chairman, Eric Schmidt, your data is safe from the NSA if you use Google’s services. Schmidt was speaking at a surveillance conference at the Cato Institute, where he described the steps Google has taken and is taking to protect users' data. As many know, the information released by Edward Snowden concerning the extent of the NSA surveillance has damaged United States technology companies since the rest of the world no longer trusts that information held or transmitted by an American company will be safe.

Ever since Google learned of efforts to intercept traffic between its datacenters, it has been spending money and initiating projects to lock down its systems, including 2048-bit encryption of traffic. As Schmidt stated, “We massively encrypted our internal systems. It’s generally viewed that this level of encryption is unbreakable in our lifetime by any sets of human beings in any way. We’ll see if that’s really true.”

As I’ve said many times…encryption is your friend.

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