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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

How to Determine if Your Computer Contains any Hacking Team Exploits

July 23, 2015

The Hacking Team has been in the news almost every day. Apparently, they sold surveillance software to a bunch of governments and law enforcement entities to gather all kinds of data from the targets. They were recently compromised by another hacking group that lifted over 400GB of stolen corporate data that is leaking the financial reports, customer lists, e-mails detailing zero day exploits and a bunch of other security vulnerabilities of the Hacking Team. The paranoia is moving like a tsunami across the world. Everybody is worried that they may already be infected with one of the Hacking Team’s nasty malware products.

Not to worry. Researchers at Root Security have offered a free tool to scan for the presence of the Hacking Team software. The free tool is called Milano and can detect many of the Hacking Team tools. Root Security stated that they will update the tool as they continue to comb through the 400GB of compromised data. It’s a pretty simple tool and can do a quick or deep scan of your system. Give it a go and see if you are already infected with a piece of the Hacking Team malware.

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