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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

How to Download Saved Chrome Passwords

July 11, 2018

It is highly recommended NOT to save any passwords in a browser. If your machine is compromised, there is a potential that all of your saved passwords could be exposed. If you give someone remote access to your computer, your browser password "stash" may get lifted from your machine. If you don't follow my recommendation and still save passwords in a browser, Tech Viral posted instructions on how to download your passwords in Google Chrome using four easy steps.

If you don't believe you have ever saved any passwords in Chrome, use the identified steps to verify there are no saved passwords. When you get to step #3, look at the Saved Passwords section. Your saved passwords will show up there. If you see the words "Saved passwords will appear here" then nothing has been saved. If you see saved passwords, consider removing them. Start using a dedicated password manager instead of storing them in a browser.

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