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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

How to Justify Conference Attendance

March 20, 2017

We just got back from ABA TECHSHOW so conference attendance is front and center for me. I'm on the planning board again and one of the things we wrestle with is how to attract new attendees and justify the expense of attending a conference. How appropriate that I ran across a post that helps to get your butt in the seat of a conference you really want to attend. The key benefits are identified as:

  • Networking
  • Education
  • Competition
  • Training
  • Vendor Interaction
  • Socializing / Collaborative Insight
  • Continuing Professional Education (CPEs)
  • Professional Recognition (Speaking)

The networking and education components are my top two as well. So the next time you want to justify the expense (time and money) to attend a conference, make sure to address each one of the key benefits. And while you're at it, save the date for next year's ABA TECHSHOW in Chicago on March 7-10, 2018.

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