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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Importing Evernote Content into OneNote

July 7, 2016

Recently, Evernote announced a change in its offering in an attempt to get more people to use the paid services. You won't be able to use a free account if you use more than two devices to access the service. I'm not a big Evernote fan, but all the folks I know that use the free version love the fact that they can access their data from all kinds of devices. In fact, most of them access Evernote from their computers, smartphones and iPads. The three devices would force them to upgrade to a paid version.

I think Evernote made a bad move and will drive folks to other products such as Microsoft's OneNote. In order to aid in the exodus from Evernote, the Windows Supersite has a post with the steps to import Evernote content into OneNote. I predict there will be a lot less Evernote users and a lot more OneNote users in the days ahead.

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