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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Is the Apple Watch as Big a Dud as Some Think?

March 12, 2015

Why is it that there are so many news reports and column inches devoted to an insanely overpriced device from Apple? The Chinese knockoffs are already priced at 1/10th what Apple wants to charge you. A very harsh report on Vox pounds the Apple Watch and it isn’t even shipping yet. Call me crazy, but I don’t get it. Apple expects folks to pay $350+ for a device with limited functionality and marginal battery life. I can’t tell you the last time I saw someone under the age of 35 even wearing a traditional watch. They all seem to whip out their smartphones to find out what time it is. Why would they want to purchase an Apple Watch when they don’t even own a time-telling wrist device to begin with?

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